What do I do if I accidentally scratched my tattoo? I just got my first tattoo 4 days ago but i accidentally scratched it & the scab started to bleed alittle, now i'm really worried i might have ruined it or it become infected, what should i do?? 6 months ago
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Once more I am shocked at some of the answers that I see from people who have no clue what they are talking about but enjoy giving advice. This happened to me once before, so relax, because obviously there is nothing you can do to fix the scab. It was an accident, so whats done is done. I did the same thing with a thigh tattoo that I accidently ripped half the scab off when I got up from my kitchen table. Wowza! Did it hurt. Unfortunately, I was left with a small, but very noticeable to me, scar. This could happen to you, but it isn't a given. You haven't ruined anything and it wont become infected simply because part of the scab came off. Don't put rubbing alcohol on it or peroxide or neosporin. Just keep it clean the normal way listed on your care sheet the artist gave you. Warm water, gentle antibacterial soap and your hand only. Just lightly wash it, pat it dry with a soft, clean towel to make sure the rest of the scab stays put, then apply a thin coat of ointment, preferrably A&D, but you can use whatever your artist suggested, no cocoa butter or lotion just yet. After 24 hours of very thin coats of A&D three to five times a day, as needed, you can switch over to lubriderm, or an unscented white lotion of your choice, but I prefer lubriderm. Use the lotion the same as the ointment, thinly three to five times a day. I assume you've been using ointment for the first four days already. Good luck, I hope you don't get a scar or lose ink. But, if it happened then notify your artist and schedule a touch up three weeks from the day you find out to be sure that your skin is mucho healed and ready for some more needle action. Source(s): tattoo artist 6 months ago Rachel Lynn Relax, you'll be okay. I've had tattoos I accidentally scratched in the healing process. If you didn't pull off some of the scab, which lifts color from the tattoo, you should most likely be fine. If you were deliberately picking the scabs off, it's a whole different story. If some color is lifted from your tattoo, your tattooist will probably touch it up for you. Usually that's free within six months of getting the tattoo. Enjoy your new ink!
Source(s): Eight tattoos and fourteen piercings.
ITS okay. this happens. There is a small, very small chance that you could get a tiny scar in your tattoo. But like I said the chances are slim. Keep it clean with a mild antibacterial cleanser and whatever method you have been using to take care of it wheather that be A&D or lotion. If you have a scab, there was already a small chance for a scar to begin with because no one should really scab. Scabbing is always in indication that the tattoo artists went over the area to many times. Just keep it clean, that's all you can do. Source(s): All inked up! Alexis you should probably clean it. make sure the wash clothe is cold and has no alcohol. like somebody else said you should prob. relax once the scab is gone and it is clear and clean rub non- alcohol cocoa butter on it(its lotion).
I wouldn't worry, it happens A LOT! I have 3 tats and it happened on all of mine. If worse comes to worse go back and have that spot touched up once it heals. It really shouldn't be a big deal though. Good luck.
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